Nurmuhanova Alfiya Zeynullovna Nurmukhanova Alfia Zeinullovna, born in 1983, graduated in high school in 2000, in the same year she entered the machine-building department of the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University. In 2005 she graduated with the qualification "Engineer Expert". In 2005-2008 She studied in the graduate school of the machine-building faculty of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev. In 2010 she defended her thesis on the theme: “Development of a concrete mixing plant based on the dynamic imbalance of the mixer drum” in the specialty and 05.05.06-Mining machines. Nurmukhanova A.Z. has 25 publications included in the list of the Committee for Control and Certification in the field of education and science of the MES RK, and has 2 patents for invention and 2 articles published in the near 1 article abroad. From 03.09.13, she was hired by the Faculty of Physics and Technology to the Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics as a teacher. During her work at the department she taught in the following disciplines: “Technology of construction materials and heat treatment”, “Thermal insulation, materials, materials and technologies”, “Standardization and certification system”, “Metrological foundations of physical measurements”, “Technical expertise of equipment”, “Metrology, standardization and certification.


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Academic degree

Name of the scientific degree
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Graduation Date

Author Documents


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